If you want to amend minor alignment issues in your smile, your dentist can provide you with Invisalign. These custom-made plastic aligners are worn at least 22 hours a day over the teeth to gradually shift them into a straighter position. This can improve the look of your smile as well as boost your oral health.
The clear color of the aligners allows for a subtle appearance over your teeth. But this can also mean they are subject to cosmetic damage without proper cleaning. Read on to find advice from your dentist for caring for your Invisalign so that they continue to look and feel their best.
Cleaning Tips for Invisalign Aligners
Remove Aligners When Eating and Drinking
Unlike other orthodontic solutions that adhere to teeth, Invisalign features removable aligners. You can take them out when needed so that food will not get trapped or make a mess as you eat. In fact, dentists ask their patients to remove Invisalign when eating and drinking.
This is because staining agents can easily transfer to the translucent plastic of Invisalign, making the aligners appear stained or yellow. You cannot remove this discoloration, and it could disrupt the look of your smile as you wear your Invisalign. Avoid this issue by taking out Invisalign before consuming substances.
Continue Good Oral Hygiene
Throughout your day, natural oral bacteria will create a film of plaque over your teeth. Though you cover your teeth with Invisalign, you still develop plaque and will need to remove it. You do this through practicing oral hygiene.
You can take out Invisalign aligners so that you can complete your cleaning regimen without disruption. Brush your teeth at least twice per day and floss daily. If you leave plaque on your smile, it can lead to dental issues like cavities and gum disease that may interfere with your teeth straightening treatment.
Complete Separate Cleaning for Invisalign
Plaque adheres to your Invisalign too, and it can spread to your teeth and gums if you do not also clean your aligners. Then you may still suffer dental damage that could harm your smile as well as your cosmetic dental treatment. You should clean Invisalign separately from the rest of your smile, though you can do this as you complete your usual oral hygiene routine.
Once a day, brush Invisalign with a soft-bristled toothbrush using a specialized cleanser or non-abrasive paste. This ensures you do not scratch the plastic of the aligners as you clean them.
Rinse Invisalign thoroughly before placing back in your mouth. You should do this any time you take out your aligners. Avoid hot water when doing so because the high temperature could melt and warp the plastic so that the aligners no longer fit.
If this occurs, do not wear the damaged aligners. Ill-fitting Invisalign could damage the teeth straightening process. Instead, call your dentist to learn what steps to take. You might require replacement aligners.